The Art Of Becoming Detached

Zaid K. Dahhaj
3 min readMar 3, 2018

Detachment is an art of enjoying something while always being open to the possibility of losing it someday.” (John B. Bejo)

Detachment, for most people, is associated with either something negative or something benign or just neutral.

I’ve learned over experience that the key to alleviate suffering is to become detached. This detachment is not the typical detachment that you hear about where the person completely cuts off an individual and just never talks to them again.

This detachment is very subtle because it is not a physical detachment but instead, a mental detachment. It is the ability to separate yourself from the “negative” and “positive” events that are going on within your life. Let me give you a few examples of what I mean:

When a friend starts blaming you for something, you have the ability to put your ego aside and think on whether or not he is actually correct or not. You detach yourself from taking the situation personally.

When your wife cheats on you, you have the ability to step back and respond rather than react. He detaches himself from being taken over by emotions which create irrational behavior.

When your cat scratches you, you feel into the pain but don’t get mad at the cat because you understand that it’s in a cat’s nature to do that. This is



Zaid K. Dahhaj

Sleep King. Helping family men fix fatigue in less than 42 days without letting loved ones suffer. Founder: The 2AM Podcast.