The Difference Between Shallow & Deep Friendships

Zaid K. Dahhaj
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.” (Euripides)

Friendship may sometimes feel complicated, but it turns out that recognizing your true friends can be surprisingly simple. There are some fundamental elements that every close bond — including those with family and romantic partners — shares: To call someone a friend, the relationship must be long-lasting, it must be positive, and it must involve cooperation. That’s the three-legged stool that friendship rests on.

Remove a leg of that stool, though, and your “friend” may not be there for you when you need them — and being able to count on someone in a crisis, say the researchers, is the whole reason we have friends in the first place.

How can we tell the difference between shallow vs deep friendships?

There are some common pattern that we can identify in both types of friendships.

Shallow Friendships:

  1. A lack of communication
  2. A lack of attention being payed to one another
  3. Not being there when each individual needs social support
  4. Constant criticism
  5. Constantly arguing
  6. A lack of understanding



Zaid K. Dahhaj

Sleep King. Helping family men fix fatigue in less than 42 days without letting loved ones suffer. Founder: The 2AM Podcast.