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The Wisdom Of Rumi
“Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.” (Rumi)
Run from what’s comfortable.
Rumi understood that comfort is the path to decay. What he intuitively knew is that discomfort is the path of true personal growth and that most comfort should be avoided.
Comfort seduces us into the zone of safety that ironically hinders our growth. We must learn to embrace discomfort so that we can move forward on our path of self actualization.
Forget safety.
There us no such thing as “safety.” There is only an illusion of safety within the world that we live in, even with all the technology and comforts that we have available to us.
Teach yourself to understand that there is risk within all of life and that there is no such thing as being “safe” within a world that is chaotic.
Live where you fear to live.
The cave you fear is the cave you should enter. Move into your fears because this will expand your comfort zone and reveal your fears for what they are, false evidence appearing real.