Member-only story
Why You Should Be ANGRY
“Rather than letting anger destroy you and your life, let it deliver you to the strongest version of yourself.” (Anonymous)
The first thing I would offer those who are struggling with bottled up anger is to accept your anger and the rest of your emotions that you experience because they are keys to your inner being. Wherever there is an emotion that you can perceive, there is a spiritual or mental block or darkness that wants to be seen. This anger is pointing something to you that wants to be revealed and when you can confront that anger in a detached way, meaning not judging it then you have an opportunity to begin healing yourself in whatever area within your psyche. Your emotional guidance system is giving you an opportunity to deal with your emotions in a healthier manner.
As you hold back the impulse that is associated with any emotion, you begin to imprison yourself on both the physical and mental level. Holding back emotional impulses results in tension throughout the whole body — neck, arm, face, so on and so forth. Have you ever seen somebody who is boiling with anger? When you hold yourself back in that way then it becomes chronic and that’s why people have unconscious movements and neurotic patterns.
When you have that emotion rise up from your body, the very first thing you must do is honor your body. Honoring your body firstly means to…